LWML — Lutheran Women's Missionary League
What is the LWML you might ask?
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.
Our mission statement is:
As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions and equip women to honor God by servings others.
Our Motto is:
Serve the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100.2)
We usually meet monthly on the first Saturday of each month at 10:30 am in the fellowship hall.
Our annual Christmas celebration was a big success. Thank you to all who put in the effect to make it a fun time for all. The table decorations were amazing as is Suzi’s group of Carolers. I personally have never seen anything like them, but now want to see more. We sang “Serve the Lord with Gladness”. It seems like that’s what we have been doing these last few months. As a group we recited the League Pledge to reaffirm our Mission. Games, were played. Secret Sisters were revealed and picked for 2025; food was enjoyed. After the party we decorated our beautiful Christmas tree. Thank you to Ron and Alan for bringing it in for us.
The week before Rev. May and his wife Tina provided our Gospel message and a very interesting presentation of Lutherans in Africa. LWML provided lunch and treats. If anyone missed this presentation there is information on the table heading into church.
On January 4th, we will have our monthly meeting @ 10:30AM.
Opening prayer and devotion will be given by Sonya.
Recording secretary will be Lynda W.
Hostess is: Byrd
Stacie will lead this meeting.
Our monthly potluck on January 12th will have a theme of “Tailgate Favorites”
On January 18th @ 2pm, we will be hosting a baby shower in the fellowship hall for a YFH young lady. She is expecting a little girl mid-February. Please attend. The LWML ladies defiantly know how to throw a party. If you have questions please see Diane Molnar.
I’m praying each and every one had a blessed Christmas and New Year celebration with family and friends.
Stacie Hehn